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About Us

The Airport Purchasing Group (APG) is a valuable resource for airport purchasing officials who have a quest for excellence in delivering value to their customers.

The primary goal of the APG is the advancement of the procurement profession, specifically as it relates to airport procurement professionals. Our membership consists of individuals from county and local units of government, and airport authorities throughout the world. The APG provides its membership with several unique opportunities to connect with other airport procurement professionals.

If you are involved in some aspect of purchasing for an airport, whether as a member of an airport purchasing office, as an individual with assigned purchasing responsibilities, or as a member of a city, county or other entity purchasing office, you can benefit from APG membership.


Our mission is to enhance the effectiveness of our member airport purchasing professionals through education, the sharing of best practices and methods, collaborative procurements of commonly used products and services, and joint development of strategies to overcome shared procurement related challenges.


Our vision is to be a global organization with airport purchasing representatives from every continent and be recognized by our members for excellence in providing procurement educational and collaborative opportunities.
Collaboration is about working as a team and providing impartial support

Commitment is about dedication and loyalty to our purpose as procurement professionals
Credibility is about conducting ourselves in an ethical and transparent way that inspires trust

Community is about building on our common background and shared interests and holding each other accountable
Creativity is about releasing our imaginations to develop original and innovative ways of achieving excellence

Continuous Improvement is about advancing our mission of enhanced professionalism in all we do
Airport Purchasing Group (APG) has adopted the NIGP Code of Ethics. APG believes, and it is a condition of membership, that the following ethical principles should govern the conduct of every person employed by a public sector procurement or materials management organization:
Seeks or accepts a position as head (or employee) only when fully in accord with the professional principles applicable thereto and when confident of possessing the qualifications to serve under those principles to the advantage of the employing organization.

Believes in the dignity and worth of the service rendered by the organization, and the societal responsibilities assumed as a trusted public servant.

Is governed by the highest ideals of honor and integrity in all public and personal relationships in order to merit the respect and inspire the confidence of the organization and the public being served.
Believes that personal aggrandizement or personal profit obtained through misuse of public or personal relationships is dishonest and not tolerable.

Identifies and eliminates participation of any individual in operational situations where a conflict of interest may be involved.

Believes that members of the Institute and its staff should at no time, or under any circumstances, accept directly or indirectly, gifts, gratuities, or other things of value from suppliers, which might influence or appear to influence purchasing decisions.
Keeps the governmental organization informed, through appropriate channels, on problems and progress of applicable operations by emphasizing the importance of the facts.

Resists encroachment on control of personnel in order to preserve integrity as a professional manager.

Handles all personnel matters on a merit basis, and in compliance with applicable laws prohibiting discrimination in employment on the basis of politics, religion, color, national origin, disability, gender, age, pregnancy and other protected characteristics.
Seeks or dispenses no personal favors. Handles each administrative problem objectively and empathetically, without discrimination.

Subscribes to and supports the professional aims and objectives of NIGP - The Institute for Public Procurement.